Saturday, March 5, 2011

6:30 AM

I have spent the last two days interviewing six candidates for the Executive Director of the East Arkansas Planning and Development district. The committee that conducted the interviews is the Executive Committee of the district. The committee is composed of twelve county judges and me. All of the judges were not able to attend, but we did have a good cross section of the district represented.

We blocked out two hours and fifteen minutes for each interview. Most of the interviews took about two hours. We had some very good candidates and the committee did a good job conducting the interviews. We ask each candidate the same fifteen questions. We also allowed the candidates to ask any question. As a result of our questions and the candidates question other questions were generated and answered by the candidates.

When all the interviews were complete the committee ranked the candidates and reached a consensus on the person we will recommend to the full board for employment. I was impressed with the candidates and I am pleased with the person we will recommend to the full board for employment.

The interviews for the position were held in the community room at the Wynne Fire Depatment. Wynne is a central location for the district.

Yesterday a friend of mine gave me two tickets each for two baseball and one basketball games to be held today at Mississippi State. He also gave me a parking pass. I would like to go to the games, but because of my schedule this past week and what is planned for next week I have decided to take it easy this week end and stay at home.

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