Wednesday, March 25, 2009

12:55 PM

Jerry has just called and told me that he was on his way to Jonesboro to pickup the commercial garbage truck. I hope that the truck is repaired. It has been a very busy three days for the sanitation department. They have been trying to pick up the commercial trash. They have a a system worked out to pick up the trash, but it is very very slow and takes a lot more time. Time will tell.

I have a meeting tomorrow about the future of economic development for Cross County. The meeting has been called and a number of citizens invited to discuss the next step. A number of options have been discussed, but no decision has been made about how to proceed and if they do ask for another vote when the election would be held and where to have the election. I mean by that whether city only or county wide again. A decision also has to be made about when to proceed with another election if that is the decision. The meeting tomorrow should be very interesting.

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