Tuesday, November 3, 2009

9:00 AM

I had two very successful meetings yesterday. I met with the budget committee yesterday morning and I met with the committee studying the placement of stop signs in the city.

I went over every line of every budget with the budget committee. There were a few questions and comments about some of the items. Overall they seemed pleased with my proposed budgets and the revenue projections. I asked them to study the budget and if they have any questions contact me for information. I will present the budget to the full council next Tuesday at the November meeting. I will ask them to study the budget and ask me or the budget committee questions. The budget committee will meet again before the December meeting and make a recommendation to the full council for action at the December meeting.

The stop sign committee met last evening and developed rules for the placement of stop signs in the city. Their recommendation will be presented to the full council for action at the November meeting.

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