Saturday, July 24, 2010

6:50 AM

Yesterday was wedding and funeral day. I had to take care of two burials at Cogbill and I performed two weddings. I had one wedding in my office yesterday afternoon and I performed one last evening. The one last evening was in front of the fountain at the courthouse. Several of the guest gave me a hard time for my Mississippi State polo. When I talked with the couple they though that there would probably not be any guest. They thought that there might me two guest. There were about twenty five guest.

I helped with the mission Wynne project this week for WBC. My Sunday school class was assigned the park on Cottonwood street. I worked on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nights. I had some city business to attend to on Monday night and last night I had the wedding. The three night I worked, we had more than thirty children each night. The program went well and we had plenty of workers from the Sunday school classes assigned to the park.

This week I received notification that the city has been awarded $69,500.00 to build a walking trail on the hospital property near John Hayden Smith park. Part of the trail is a bridge over the ditch south of the park. This will be a welcome addition to the walking trails in the city. This trail will be in a wooded area and should be used often when it is completed. The city worked with the staff of the hospital to develop this project. When I say worked, the hospital staff did most of the work. The application had to be submitted by the city. This trail will connect the hospital area and the John Hayden Smith Park. The hospital has had their property cleaned up in this area last year. They removed all of the small vegetation and left the trees. The city did the same type of work on the property that joins their property and the city park. This will allow much more use of this area of the city.

The bridge on MLK is almost complete. The only work to be completed is the paving of the approaches to the bridge on each side. The subcontractor will complete this work as soon as the material is available. They think that they will complete the work one day next week.

This is a much needed improvement to this street. There is a protected walk on the west side of the bridge. Citizens will be able to walk across the bridge and have a concrete wall between them and the traffic and a wall on the edge of the bridge. The walkway connects with a sidewalk on each side of the bridge.

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