11:15 AM
I talked with George yesterday about the project on Killough street. He has written me a letter about different options and the cost of each option. I sent all of the council members a copy of the letter and ask them to contact me with the option that they would support.
I look forward to their answers. I do not have a personal choice. There are some on the list that I think are over our budget.
I visited with Jerry this morning about his trip to Waco. He said that the trip and the training was time well spent for him and Randy. They understand our new sweeper and how to properly maintain the sweeper.
I visited with Greg yesterday and discussed the progress on the replacement bridge. He said that the project was on hold for a few days. He needs to discuss a small problem that has to be addressed before concrete is poured. He expects that a final decision will be made today. They will probably pour the concrete next week. I am sure that the citizens will be pleased when we complete the job and the street is open again for traffic.
I have not talked to Amy since Wed. She was doing fine on Wed. She is scheduled to be off for the next three days. I hope that she is able to be off and enjoy her time away from work.