Wednesday, July 15, 2009

9:31 AM

The Wynne City Council met last night for the regular monthly meeting. The following items were acted on:

Passed a resolution setting a public hearing for the closing of an alley.

Extended the contract for management of Deshay Park for the city.

Heard a report from VDCI for the past month.

Amended an ordinance increasing the fee paid by people involved in the justice system. We increased the amount of the fine for jail fees from the present $5.00 to $25.00. This increase should cover the amount the city pays the county to keep the city law breakers in the county jail.

I made a presentation to the council about developing a website for the city. After I made the presentation and answered questions the council had a very good discussion about a website. They then voted to proceed with the development of a website for the city. The website should be operational in about one month. That will only be a start, but we will have a web presence. It will take a few months to get all the information on the website that we plan to place on the website.

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