Saturday, February 20, 2010

2:54 PM

I spent most of the morning working on my old truck. I am in no rush and I enjoy spending time in the garage.

The street department has our track hoe and back hoe back fully repaired. The back hoe had an electrical problem and the dealer corrected it very fast. The welder completed the work on our track hoe mop out bucket. I was impressed with his work.

I talked with Pat and Amy almost everyday this week. They seem to be doing fine. I miss them, but I think that they both have enjoyed spending time together. I hope that Amy gets a full time job soon. She thinks that she will find out soon about her prospects.

I took some time to take care of some cemetery business this morning. I had to mark the grave of Mrs. Doryce Wiltshire this morning. I have know Mrs. Wiltshire since I moved to Wynne in 1968. She was a wonderful lady.

Mrs. Wistshire was the secretary for Cogbill Cemetery for more than 50 years. I am so grateful that she took care of the cemetery for all of those years. I appreciate her even more now that I have to take care of the cemetery. It is an unusual job, but I have enjoyed taking care of the cemetery and have learned a lot about cemetery business. It is an not like most jobs. Theda has helped me and I am very thankful that she has been willing to help me manage the cemetery.

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