Friday, November 7, 2008

1:38 PM

Yesterday I answered the phone and a man told me that he was planning to move to Wynne. He had accepted a job in Forrest City, but wanted to live in Wynne. He asked me if I could give him the name and phone number of some businesses that had rental property. I gave him the name and number of three companies that offer residential property for rent. He thanked me for my time and trouble.

This morning a man stopped by to see me. He told me that he had talked with me yesterday about property rental companies in Wynne. He was in Wynne and had made contact with the companies. He was successful in his search. He had rented a home. He said that he wanted to meet me and personally thank me for my help. I thanked him and asked where he was moving from to Wynne. He said that he now lived in Little Rock. He told me that he did not think that the mayor of Little Rock would be so helpful.

Sometimes a mayor gets personal thanks for helping citizens.

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