Wednesday, December 10, 2008

9:54 AM

I am sitting in my office waiting to have an exit conference with the state auditor. The conference was to begin at 9:00 AM but one of the officials that has to participate has a last minute conflict. We will begin when that person is able to be here. He should be here in a few minutes.

The city council met last night. The meeting was not very long. The council passed ordinances that adopted the 2009 budget and the revised 2008 budget. They also approved the final plat for a local developer. The plat is for 20 lots. The council spent several minutes discussing a request for insurance benefits for an alderman. After much discussion the council took no action. I think that their decision was based on an opinion from the city attorney about the matter.

I went to Memphis yesterday morning. I have hired an individual to do some repair work on Amy's home. The individual and I traveled to Memphis and he looked at the work to be completed. He will complete the work over the next few weeks. The job will not take a long time, but the individual will only work part-time to complete the job. He and I stopped at her job and I introduced them to each other.

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