Thursday, September 25, 2008

1:15 PM

I talked with Amy last night. We are going to go to the drag races in Memphis on Sunday. She with with me last year and really enjoyed the show. I am glad that the race falls on the weekend that she is off.

I have been talking with Jerry for several weeks about the use of the fork truck. A couple of years ago we started the process of eliminating the use of that truck. We even had a consultant work with us to eliminate that truck. In the end we took some of the work off of the truck, but did not eliminate it completely. A couple of weeks ago I told Jerry that I wanted him to eliminate the use of that truck before January 1, 2009. One of the sad factors is what to do with the driver of that truck. I think that I have developed a plan that will allow us to keep him as an employee and eliminate the use of the fork truck.

Jerry has started the elimination of the use of the fork truck. He thinks that he will have the plan implemented in about two or three weeks. This move will make our residential truck have to remove more trash than they now remove, but there is still time during an eight hour shift to complete the work.

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